
Thursday, October 27, 2005

OK, so here's a problem. I've just run an incremental for the vol1: volume. It backed up 204 objects for a total of 303.5 KB taking 1:23. I used the following command:

i vol1:home/

This is the command line command to tell TSM that I want an incremental backup of the home directory on vol1: This worked fine.

Trying to continue my testing I tried to restore vol1:/home to the copy: volume, so I issued the command:

res vol1:home/ copy:tsm/

This tells TSM to restore everything it has for vol1:home/ and put it on the copy: volume in a directory called TSM. This didn't work. I got the following error:

"ANS1084 No files have previously been backed up for vol1:home/"

Thinking I may have had a syntax error, I tried restoring sys:system to the copy: volume. I issued:

res sys:system/ copy:/ This worked just fine.

I then tried various other ways to restore the previous vol1: information, but always got the same error.

I have started the restore via the web client although I've been told by TSM support that this isn't the best way to do restores.

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